Energy­savings calculator

Fitness studios

Enter the key data of your gym.

You will immediately receive your initial estimate for wastewater heat recovery with the revincus system.

How many visitors does your gym have on average per day?

How many days of the year is your gym open?

Your annual
savings potential
with revincus*

0 kWh
0 **
0 kg CO2***
  • *We assume that 7 out of 10 visitors take a shower (empirical value of a fitness studio).

We offer here a rough overview of how much energy they can recover through the revincus system.
These values are not reliable and should be specified in further exchange.

**The cost assumption is based on the ⌀ gas price of German households per kWh (June 2023 - Verivox).
***Our calculation is based on the ⌀ CO₂ emissions per kWh gas incl. upstream chains (2019 - Federal Environment Agency) and ⌀ CO₂ emissions per kWh electricity incl. upstream chains (2022 - Federal Environment Agency);


revincus facilities Jena


Riesner Straße 8
99423 Weimar

revincus facilities Weimar


Schlachthof-Str. 8
99423 Weimar

© revincus GmbH